Thursday, December 8, 2022

Five German News Stories

 1.  That 'test' of the German national emergency system....supposed to have occurred at 11 AM today....had issues....mostly over the mobile phone network.  

2.  From this attack on the two German girls in Illerkirchberg, Baden-Wurttemberg (1 dead) by the Eritrean guy....some odd news.

After the attack, the supposed attack ran back to his rental house.....where two other Eritrean guys were house-mates.  Those two were briefly detained, the released by the police.

Well....this of the two guys released (age 25)....has apparently killed himself.  No other info.

3.  Climate chaos guys ('Last Generation')....blocked the airport runway for a brief time this morning.  

Not a lot said, but the people involved will probably be sitting in jail for a while, and their case might involve a fair amount of jail time if air traffic was threatened.

4.  Head of Wirecard.....failed German now believed to be 'safely' in Russia.

5.  Most of this Reichburger arrests story from dissolved to page 2 on the second day.  

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