Friday, December 16, 2022

Five German News Stories

 1.  A bit comical....a bit serious.  The German Army decided to hold an exercise here in the state of Hessen.  So, they wanted realism....instead of using a military training area...they used a regional school road area (yeah with kids, in the middle of a class day).

This happened over in Bad Karlshafen (north Hessen).

Local police were called, and reacted.  They showed up...asked 'what-the-hell-is-going-on', and this training exercise was explained.  

What the Army says?  This was a orientation 'march' (hike), and that they had told the local mayor of the event.

The mayor says he knew about the 'march', but didn't know anything about the soldiers carrying weapons (which they were).

At the conclusion of this....the school had to offer psychological 'help' and around fifty German school kids were talked to....over seeing German soldiers in uniform....carrying rifles....and marching along the street by their school.'s a one-star story but demonstrates just how crazy things are in Germany in present.

2.  First LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) ship docked and is unloading its 'cargo' yesterday.  First big step away from the Russian supply chain.

3.  Some Brit reports indicate Russians are now using 40-year old bullets in the Ukraine war.  On a trust-level....I'd refuse the ammo if offered.  

4.  Some kind of weird illness trend underway in Germany....figures now suggest one in ten are 'sick'.  Might be Covid, flu, cold, sore throats, cough, etc.  

5.  Berlin city authorities admit that roughly 500 investigations are going on, with Covid test-fraud.  How much it adds up to?  A minimum of 32-million Euro....but they also suggest it could go double and triple that amount.

Adding to the mess....legit test centers are still waiting on some of their payments, and demanding action to clear the air.

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