Monday, December 5, 2022

School Girl Stabbing Story

 SWR updated the school girl (ages 13 and 14) stabbing episode.

The older girl has died, and the younger one appears to be making it.

Basic story....both girls were at a bus-stop around 7:30 AM....waiting on their bus.  A asylum house resident from across the street came out....struck the older girl, and then stabbed her there.  The guy ran back into the house, and cops detained him later.

From what they doesn't appear that guy knew the girls.  The guy was 27 years old and from Eritrea.  No indication of how long he'd been in Germany, or if he'd been under some mental treatment.    

Paranoid schizophrenia at work?  There's been several attack stories similar in nature over the past five years, and most go to some mental issues which were left unchecked.  


M1-19k said...

I choose to remember Germany from the 1980s and that’s why I will probably never visit again. Just sad to see how far Germany has fallen.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I think the problem is...if a person reflected upon the 1980s in West Germany, there was just zero crime to be noted. You could walk in cities like Mainz, Frankfurt, or Bremen at midnight and feel 99-percent safe.

After the wall came down...things shifted. Drugs got introduced. Crime gangs were happening. Asylum opened up. It is a different environment today. You have to be vigilant...even at a bus-stop in a small village.

Daz said...

Let's try and maintain a small amount of perspective. It's still far safer than many countries, including the US, and probably also my homeland.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I think people who remember the 1980s....remember it was safe to walk on any street of Germany, even at midnight. Things have evolved, and I'd suggest have to pay attention to the things around you. Just riding the city bus in have an average of one 'event' each week where the cops are called to a fight or incident.

If I were developing a safety index...vast parts of the US and the UK would be dismal in the scoring. Urban areas of Germany would show up. On the far side of the safe thing? Iceland...vast majority of Finland, and Singapore.

Daz said...

When people remember the 80's they also colour those memories with being young. It's the danger of nostalgia, it's always incorrect.

Like the people now saying that when they were kids they didn't run the heater during winter and just wore extra jumpers. What they forget is that Grandma and Grandpa died that winter, and it's only because they were younger and more durable that they survived it easily.

Currently the homicide rate in Germany has been on a downward trend since the 1990's, which was a spike up since the 1980's (possibly to reunification???).

Overall the crime rate is actually lower today than at any time in the 1980's. In case anyone cares about the actual facts and not the 'feeling'.

It's got nothing to do with paying attention...actually, it does to a point. Anyone who was alive in the 1980's wasn't paying attention if they think the crime rate now is worse than it was in the 1980's.