Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Raid on 'Last Generation' Activists?

 Well....cops up in the Neurippin area (in the east around Brandenburg).....were tasked this AM to raid various homes/apartments which connect back to the 'Last Generation' activists....taking laptops, phones, notes, etc.

This started at 5 AM.

At this point....in the Brandenburg/Berlin area....the environmental group is identified as a criminal organization.

If you gaze back at the Red Army Faction (late 1960s) and how they eventually became a terror organization....the 'Last Generation' activists are basically walking down the same path.  

I sat and reviewed a interview with two of the members this past week.  The reporter wanted to know their long term intent.  One of the activists hyped up that he'd terminated his employment (noting he had a decent paying job)....to become a full-time activist.  The second indicated that she'd quit the university path, and was now a full-time activist.  

When you look back at the original RAF organization.....brain-washing took place, and they were all convinced of the greater glory of a revolution.  You can sense.....this group (Last Generation) feels the same way, and is under some brain-washing situation.

I would take a guess by the end of next week....in at least two other states....more raids will take place.  

All of this leading back to non-German foundations?  I would take a guess that once you peel back the emails and connect the dots....some people in Last Generation group will be shocked that the trail leads out of Germany, and out of Europe.  

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