Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Last Night

 I ended up early evening yesterday at a Wiesbaden grocery store (near the Bahnhof).  At the line....waiting to check out....a shoplifter event occurred.  

Non-German guy....maybe in his 50s....had a cart in the self-checkout lane and had swiped one item on the scanner, and paid.  The other five or six items in the cart...unscanned.  

Clerk hit the is hauling ass out....with some 18-year old clerk kid in pursuit.  Manager and the kid catch up, and haul the guy back in.  

I'll admit....I've seen around five or six shop lifting episodes over the past five years....mostly at electronic shops.  This was the first occasion at a grocery.

What happens to the guy?  They register the amount attempted...then get a ID check accomplished.  If he cooperates....they give him a slip to say he's forbidden entry ever again.  If he doesn't cooperate with the ID....cops get a call.  

My humble bet is that he has no the ID check will be a problem.  

It's first 56 years in life....never noting a single shop-lifting episode.  Since then....around one per year....just standing at the right place and right time.


M1-19k said...

Maybe the government should start issuing MREs to hungry members of the community. If not hungry people will become desperate and sometimes take desperate measures. Societal breakdown has already begun in Germany to a certain extent. Frau Merkel did no favors for the German people with her disastrous policies.

Daz said...

Yeah, although I'm not quite sure we're at ration books territory yet, the policies of the last 40 years have really led us down a dark road... all to make sure the post war generation maintains wealth and power and never steps aside.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

If you are a German, on the down-and-outs (unemployed, homeless)...the Socialamt and Job-Center business is supposed to cover you. In major cities like Frankfurt, Hamburg or Berlin...the housing situation is crap, and the local gov't knows this. But you also get on the list for Hartz IV/Citizens Geld (now in the 402 Euro a month range), you have enough to cover food. This is the money going past housing/heating.

If you don't indulge in smokes/booze...the 402 Euro per person is usually enough to cover your necessities. If you smoke or drink...then no, it's not enough. If you sit long enough to might see twenty people over a day....checking garbage cans or parks for bottles/cans to return, and making a couple of Euro a day off returns.