Thursday, December 22, 2022

The Voting Age To 16 Discussion

 Normally, for the federal election in have to be 18.  In several states, they've shifted the state election age to 16.  

About every six months, there's this big discussion....mostly led by the SPD Party, to bring the national age to vote down to 16.  

Chief wisdom/logic?  Well....most 16 year old German 'kids' are treated as adults.  You can buy beer/wine, but not hard alcohol.  The driving age is still 18, but you can drive a lesser HP vehicle (the tiny vehicles) at age 16.  

So, then you come to the SPD logical can attract the youth voters in higher urbanized the SPD political a simpler and easier fashion.  Or at least they believe this age group of 16 and 17 year old 'kids' are that way.

To be honest, once you assemble the thirty-odd platform positions of the SPD....probably two-thirds of these are of zero interest to youth voters.  

Now, if you'd asked me to assemble the wit and wisdom of my son (German) at age 16....I would have told you giving him the voting right would be a colossal and stupid mistake.

The numbers here?  You can figure in the 2-to-2.5 percent range.  How many would actually show up and vote?  There's simply no way of forecasting the nature of these youths, and if the bulk of them would show up.

The odds of a quarter of them voting hard right-wing?  I would go and suggest in the eastern side of the might find a state or two where a quarter of this new voter group.....might be attracted to the AfD, and you can't convince them otherwise.

My general attitude....if this sounds wise, why can't you lower the driving age to 16 entirely?  Why stop at 16.....why not go down to 15 years old for a voting age?  If they are that mature....why not allow them booze sales at 16?  

Will this eventually pass?  I'm of the view that within five years.....the federal age will be shifted to 16.  I'm also of the mind that the AfD Party will go out and attract a high number of these teens, and you will have to listen for weeks from the journalists and SPD the 'kids' were brain-washed.  Eventually, some idiot will come out to suggest reversing the whole trend, and making 21 the next voting age.  

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