Monday, December 19, 2022

Five German News Stories

 1.  For almost all of 2022....there's been this scandal brewing up in Hamburg over several bank folks, and the implications that various political figures were 'helping' them avoid legal trouble.

So this morning....Focus had a brief piece....that a cleaning lady has confirmed a meeting of Mayor Scholz (today Chancellor Scholz) with the Warburg bank chief.  In past statements over the investigation...Scholz has continually denied meeting the guy at his house.

This all attaches up to the Cum-Ex affair, and begs questions of Scholz once again.  If these meetings and help are identified?  Well...Scholz ends up in serious political trouble.  If you asked me of the odds of him lasting the full four years?  I'd presently give it a 60-percent chance.  

2.  World Cup ended in Qatar yesterday.  According to ratings.....via ARD/ZDF of the lowest viewed series in decades.  I would attribute most of this to the season, and the German exit after the first round.

3.  Lot of talk on upgrading the German private ownership of guns.  Mostly a internal fight between the Greens and FDP.  

4.  Some kind of crisis meeting of the coalition gov't this morning in Berlin....over defense topics.  Bunch of negative events played out over the past month.  

I'll generally say...for almost two decades....there's been some spiral going on within the German military....with some of this involving lack of funding and some involving poor choices of equipment.  

5.  I sat and watched N-TV news this AM, and they got onto a odd subject....burn-out now being noted with people who do 100-percent non-home-office work.  We are talking about nurses, sales people and truck drivers.  

From the survey done on this....these people were only in the 60-percent level....on job satisfaction.

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