Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Five German News Stories

1. Regarding the two school-girls being stabbed (one dead) in Ulm region, by the Eritrean guy....he's been on a visa since 2016, and it was to end in 2023.  Crime list for the guy?  None.....other than once on a fare-dodging offensive.  Still no details, or reason given for his behavior.  

If you were asking me on 'best guess'....I'd suggest either drug usage or paranoid schizophrenia.  People don't go to this level of viciousness...without some 'trigger'.

2.  Already being pointed of the stadiums built in the past five years for part of the World Cup being dismantled/torn down. The '974' structure was simply not going to be more than a one-month use structure.  A lot of folks are grumbling about the way this occurred.  FIFA probably knew of the plan, and just said nothing much.  

3.  Most Germans probably don't grasp this....but if stopped by the police in a car....they can ask if you have two masks in the car (mandated since early 2022).  If you can't show two masks.....5-Euro fine.

4.  Climate activists staged a protest at the Goethe University (Frankfurt) yesterday.  Cops had to be called.  Protest going beyond climate business?  Yeah, that was the odd thing about this episode.  They also hyped-up better education programs for refugees, a anti-meat agenda, and affordable housing. 

Any of the protest registered (for public locations, by law)?  No.  

If they'd stuck with just affordable housing as a cause?  Probably six out of ten people in Frankfurt would agree with serious nature of housing in the city, and it being unaffordable.  But holding this in a lecture hall at the university....doesn't really get traction for the protest.  

5.  Court case wrapped up for poisoning case at university in Darmstadt.....23 Aug 2021 episode.  Student had attempted to poison 7 individuals (all survived). 

33-year old gal will spend the rest of her life in a controlled psychiatric clinic, by court order.  News reports say she suffered from "paranoid schizophrenia with auditory hallucinations."

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