Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Five Opinions

 1.  Is the 'Last Generation' activists a criminal organization?

Either you are a criminal organization or you are a non-criminal or the other. 

If they stuck themselves to city park statues or to sidewalks....I wouldn't say much.  Hindering autobahn traffic or airport operations?  That gets to a point where you should have requested a protest permission via the local police....which they have failed to do in every single case.  Laws are on the book and the group pretended that they weren't required to obey the law.  

Presently, without the scripted permission slip....they've probably crossed a line and intend to continue until local or state authorities step in....hand them a court date, and get serious about several months in jail.  

I'll add....once you quit the university path, or terminated your job for activist probably have little to care about on your life expectations.  You were talked into a mindset and probably have some brain-washing going on.  

2.  Trying to get public housing built (reasonable rent costs) in this present era.....requires bank participation, and loans which lead to serious financial responsibility.  None of this equals affordability in the end.

Week after week, I see this trend hyped up in major urban centers of Germany.  Various politicians make a big deal out of how they can deliver cheap rents....but then they have to involve the banks to get the money.

The banks give them an interest rate, and number of years to pay off the loan.  Once you do the calculations....unless you go build a cheap apartment building (designed to last a max of forty the ones they built in old East Germany), this is a doomed failure.

I don't want to discourage people from trusting politicians....but you get the impression that none of them have a financial or economic background for the analysis required.

3.  Is any of this Reich membership business talked about by the news media or German politicians accurate?

It's purely estimations. It's the same when talking about anti-capitalists or 'Last Generation' membership.....purely a guess.  It might be might be less.

4.  Is any of this knife-ban-zone major German urban centers....amounting to much?'s simply that various characters are walking up to people on the street (mostly at night) and kindly asking them to turn over their cellphone or cash, while showing the potential victim a knife.

It's a trend thing and you notice it mostly in the bigger urban centers....not in the towns of 50,000 or less. 

The basic idea is that the cops will roam a zone area (after dark) and stop people for a ID check and frisk.  You have a knife?  It's confiscated and you get a summons to appear in court....then they just release you.  That summons?  The hint is that you would do actual real jail time (like 60 to 90 days).  Whether the court system is rigged up to deliver?  That's only a guess.

5.  AfD Party folks came out and said of the coup-participants....they were crazy, and not capable of a coup.

I thought this was amusing but mostly true.  It's hard to find any AfD politician who advocates bringing back the monarchy-style government.  In fact, if you walked around Germany....asking a thousand people on the street, I would guess fewer than five of the thousand....would support a monarchy-style government.

As for capability?  You would have had to have well over one-million 'members' to even remotely get this to a minor stage of success....which they never had. 

While journalists and politicians hype the's pretty much drifted down to a page six story, and there's almost no interest  in having a public forum show over the whole soap opera.

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