Monday, November 2, 2020

Covid Filter Story

 One of the short stories of the morning so far....from N-TV....the Green Party of Germany is now heavily pushing the idea of a massive purchase of 'special' air filter devices for KITAS and German schools.  

Cost?  Not discussed.

Back in the summer period, there were several discussions going on, and how you could do this cheaply....maybe in the range of 50 Euro, but the particle filter was the key part of this deal.  Added to this, you needed to change or wash out the filter on a frequent basis.  

Another argument to this discussion?  Currently (I've watched this on news)....the general procedure in all schools is that you run class with the windows closed for about 30 minutes, then an alarm goes where you open the windows in the room wide for roughly 15 minutes.  Throughout the whole morning, you repeat this process.

So you can imagine winter approaching, frigid temperatures arriving in December, and this open-and-close process freezing out classrooms.  You'd have the room temperature around 25 degrees C (thanks to radiator heat), and then five minutes later, it'd be near 5 degrees C.  

This might make sense on this Green Party proposal, but where the heck would find all these filter devices?  Or do the Chinese have this group of warehouses stocked with such a device, and ready to fly 10k of them per day into Germany?

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