Thursday, December 22, 2022

The Million Euro Lady

 German cops in Stuttgart put out a national alert today....looking for a 42-year old German woman.

Crime?  Well....back around two months ago....she walked out of her money-transport companies vault....with 1-million Euro in cash. 

Problems in hindering her 'freedom'?  Well....they suggest a number of tattoos on her arms.  Walking around in Germany....would be a problem.

My humble view?  If I had a million Euro in cash....the last place I'd linger around is Germany.  I'd take off for some small town in Bulgaria, Romania or I might have the tattoos covered over or lasered-off.

Surviving off a million at age 40?  This presents the bigger of problems.  You have to isolate yourself....avoid detection....then live off a strict budget in a pretty quiet and rural location.

A million just isn't really that much of a pot of money.  Maybe you'd buy into a cafe on some Greek isle, and just chill out for the next thirty-odd years.  


Daz said...

You're right, a million isn't much these days... but I'd like to give it a crack trying if someone's willing to give me a million Euros!

Schnitzel_Republic said...

In Turkey, I could make this work (if it was all in Euro). Exchange would be in my favor. Greece would work but less favor. But you'd really need a bar/cafe to plough money carry this forward 30 years. Just living off the cash...would require 40,000 Euro a year for a decent lifestyle....70,000 for a slightly upscale life.

Someone ought to make a movie off the story.