Tuesday, October 13, 2020

5 Weeks of Christmas Off Period?

 Traditionally, at least since the 1960s....every German state has given a two-weeks off 'holiday' for students around Christmas.  All sixteen states generally go by the standard, with the starting day being the only thing that might be different....state by state.

So this morning, in some federal meeting, there was this new idea floated (by the CDU Party).

The idea is.....add two to three weeks onto the two weeks....for Covid-19 reasons.  Then you'd subtract the two to three weeks from the typical four to five weeks of summer 'off-time' that students get.  You'd get 2 weeks of summer leave, and then start right back up.  

Crazy?  Well....it didn't sell well to the opposition parties, and I suspect the teachers won't be that happy.

The odds of this helping or resolving the Covid-19 period?  I don't think you can provide any scientific or statistical proof that it helps.

Lets add this one factor as well.  Out of every ten families, I'd take a guess that two of them would typically take off for two to seven days of holiday in this Christmas period (ski trips, beach trips to Thailand or Egypt, or weekend tours to London/Rome).

In this Covid period....could you even take a trip or stay at some regional hotel in Bavaria?  I seriously doubt it....not unless you wanted to do the Covid test game.  So you'd be spending five whole weeks around the house....in the midst of a typical harsh and darken winter period. 

Odds of this passing?  I'd give it a fifty-fifty shot.  

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