Wednesday, October 7, 2020

What is 'Gendergaga'?

 First, it's a made-up word, that was used for a German book....published five years ago....192 pages....written by Birgit Keller.  

The theme of the book?  The writer went through the paces of German society over the past twenty years (say 1995 to 2015), and discusses how gender 'balancing' has occurred within offices, German churches, schools, toilets, playgrounds, mass transit, etc.

To be blunt....the book kinda just sat there, and was marginally read.  I don't think she made much money off the book.

But in the past year or two....this book and the discussion has been dragged back up for public chats.

Lets also be blunt, she's not painting gender equality and the 'curves' taken over the past two decades as positives.  One key point that she points out in companies and government functions....when you discuss 'gender officers' (the training people for gender discussions....they are roughly 95-percent filled with women).

In social media circles, some found the book to be more amusing than in a critical sense.

So when you hear the phrase in a chat forum or via a German....Gendergaga is a blunt form of criticism, and goes back to this one single book. 

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