Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Limiting Constitutional Rights?

 In the German Constitution...it's a written piece of text which says you have the right to demonstrate (intending to mean peacefully).  However, the text also implies that you have to register a demonstration with the police of the city involved, and you declare a 'path' or area of town where you won't interfere with ambulances or fire trucks.

So this came up via RBB (the public TV crowd for Berlin-City and Brandenburg)....there's a discussion over the number of demonstrations that were allowed for September (last month)....which went over the 1,000 point.

The chief of police for Berlin has openly said now that this high number of protests, and the requirements to provide security....along with elements of Covid-19 involved....has now reached the point where you have to limit Constitutional rights for demonstrations. 

The suggestion here?  You could still demonstrate but limit your group number to 100.  The practicality of this?  Virtually zero.

I should note here that while 1,000-odd demonstrations were registered....in at least 300 cases....the group failed to materialize.  I won't call it a fake demonstration....just that no one really cared, or rain came into play.

If you go and figure the numbers....there's a lot left out of this story.  In most cases of demonstrations....it's held usually on weekends.  So from this 1,000-number, you basically had just eight days in the entire month to conduct these. 

Adding to this....if you figure the acreage or size of Berlin, you could in theory have 500 demonstrations on one single day, around the entire city itself (if they never never reach more than 100 in number of attending).

The idea of 10,000 attending three separate demonstrations on the same day?  Well, if you arranged these (say at 10 AM, noon, and 3 PM)....then 10k attendees could attend all three.  I'm not saying it occurs, but there's some statistical average at play here....which might suggest multiple attendees at various demonstrations.  A hobby-demonstrator?  Well, I hate to suggest such a hobby, but it gets you out of the house/apartment for the whole day....socializing with like-minded people.

I'm guessing this discussion over limiting protests or sizes....will reach the court, and the legal minds will have the final say on this.  

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