Friday, October 16, 2020

New Mask Enforcement Crew

 A discussion item came up with the Berlin City authorities yesterday.  Basically, they are looking at ways to audit more people on the street for social distancing and mask requirements.

The newest idea?  Well....Berlin City has around 240-odd people who have the job of marching through the city and handing out parking tickets. They've decided that the crew can be used to audit for Covid-19 requirements.

If you sit and think about this....up until this point, for decades....parking monitors had a pretty low stressful job.  Walk up....verify the car is parked in an illegal manner....spend two minutes writing the ticket (maybe a photo), then leave it for the illegal party to find later, and pay.

Now? have to go and confront people....while not a policeman.  

Will people even stop and pay attention to the guy/gal?  I have my doubts.

Would they show some badge and get 'respect'?  I have my doubts.

Opening up a 'hornets-nest' for confrontation?  The parking crew just isn't going to be that happy over the added mission.  In addition, if you figure at least twenty confrontations a day....per parking technician....then these guys/gals won't have time to give out regular parking tickets at the rate they used to give them out.

The fine?  50 Euro.

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