Thursday, October 15, 2020

Why Is the German Covid-19 Infection Rate Increasing?

 There are varying opinions by doctors, politicians, PhD types, and just plain regular Germans.  Over the past two weeks, you get a dose of explanations almost nightly now.  My humble opinion?  I'll offer five observations:

1.  As a sickly guy coughs or sneezes....the 'mist' goes into the air.  I suspect that in the summer season (with the heat) dissipated faster, than it would have in cooler periods.  This effort to be air 'cleaners' into offices and schools?  It might be a pretty positive idea in the long-run.

2.  In the age group of 15 to 25 years old....the 'I-don't-care' attitude is now fairly prevalent.  These are the people who gave up a lot in the shut-down period, and really don't intend to go back to the shut-down deal, even if ordered.  The parties held in the woods, or in warehouse buildings now?  All part of this 'I-don't-give-a-damn' attitude.

3.  Birthday parties and celebration functions (like fests) started back up.  More people in the social distance 'danger' level?  More of a threat.

4.  Covid exists longer on surfaces that aren't heated or warm.  Cold weather is appreciated by Covid.

5.  More testing.  I'll go back to March and April and suggest that a number of Germans probably had a light version of Covid, and just never were noticed.  Now?  Just about everyone is hyped up to be tested....even if they barely have two of the Covid symptoms.  

The idea of the 10,000 per day infection rate?  I think it'd scare the scrap out of politicians.  Possibly getting upwards to 15,000 per day by early December?  Statistically, I don't think it's impossible anymore.....unless they went to another 60 to 90 day shutdown.  

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