Thursday, October 15, 2020

Covid Confusion

 I spent near thirty minutes reading through this one single regional story out of Hamburg-City.  NDR (regional news, public TV) published the piece.

Basically, the city wrote up a two-page 'order' on areas of Hamburg where you have to wear a mask, and where it's optional.  It went neighborhood to neighborhood....street to street.

Example: If you lived in the Saint George destrict....around Steindamm, then from Steintorpltaz 33....along the whole street, from noon to 12 wear a mask. 

Same district....along Stralsunder Strasse....from noon to 10 wear a mask.

Same district....near Ballindamm, from the Europa Passage (Haus 40), from 3 PM to 6 PM.

In the Reeperbahn area (the hooker and bar district)?  From weekend nights, 6 PM to 4 are supposed to wear a mask.

So you could be out with friends, and suddenly turn a corner, and find yourself in serious trouble with the police standing there....with no mask on.  The old fine of 80 Euro for failure on the mask?  That's's now 150 Euro.  

Yeah, a fair number of locals via social media have commented....nothing makes any sense and you have to continually pay attention to where you walk.  

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