Wednesday, October 7, 2020

This Bavaria 'Ban' Rule

This came up fairly sudden in Bavaria this week, and has surprised a few Germans.

So the new Bavaria-only rule is (can be German or any type) who come from Corona 'hotspots' (identified on a changing map almost daily now)....WILL NO LONGER be allowed to stay at a Bavarian hotel, unless they can show a negative test.

The wording apparently includes restaurants as well.

How rough could this be?  Well....this map they are talking about....gets updated every 24 hours.  So you could be fine this week in making reservations (for 3 weeks in the future), then on the day you get into the car and drive could be updated, and your reservation is crap.  Getting a sudden Corona-test at the last minute?  Good luck.

Then you are standing there.....after a five-hour drive perhaps....refused service or a room for the night, and you get back into the car to drive out of Bavaria (to the next nearest state or return home).

The added weight?  Well, there's this could arrive safely there for a 10-day trip, and be happy in this hotel for the first three days (no hot-spot chatter), and arrive at a restaurant for great Bavarian dinner.....which they look at the state that you claim residence in (on the form), and then let you know that you gotta leave ASAP....your home-town is now on the hot-spot list.

In simple terms, planning any type of vacation in this type of environment, in Bavaria is physically impossible.....even if you were just 20 kilometers outside of Bavaria.  

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