Monday, August 16, 2021

Cooling Topic

 If I went back to the 1980s of West Germany, and looked around for air conditioning....other than the department just didn't find many cases where Germans had air conditioning. 

Around the 2003 period (the heat wave year)....things changed, and small AC units suddenly got popular.  

In the past ten years, bigger units have become popular. 

Just in my village?  I would take a guess and say that two-thirds of the apartments/houses have either a small roll-around unit, or a full scale unit.  

Now, if you get to actual use?  Well....that's another story.  This year, it's been one of the mildest summers that I've seen in decades (going back to 1978).  My little AC unit?  It's been cranked up a grand total of four days since early June.  As the weather guy talks right now....there's pretty much only a 10-percent chance we will exceed 30 C (86 F) for the remaining period of August.  

AC units likely to draw the ire of environmentalists in the future?  Any day now, I expect some Green agenda to start up and some type of draft appear about a taxation deal.  

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