Sunday, August 29, 2021

Three Revolving Assumptions of Covid in Germany

First, it's generally regarded that if you are 'protected' from Covid.  You will perhaps get Covid (still), but it won't be bad Covid.  You might still end up in the hospital (while vaccinated) but it won't be serious Covid.  You might still come close to death but will survive.

If this assumption falters or has evidence proven to be false, then the trust factor declines.  

Second, cutting off bar, pub, nightclub and restaurant access to the non-vax crowd is generally supported (at least politically).  

There are two issues with this though.  If you suddenly have a rise in vax-people hanging out at bars and restaurants....getting Covid, then the question will rise over how this is possible.  The other issue, if you decrease the customer base by 20 to 30 percent....can bars, pubs and restaurants survive economically?  

Finally to the third assumption.  One of the big discussion items revolves around ICU use, and the general assumption that only non-vax people will be in these beds, and you can scare the remaining non-vax people into some belief.  If this assumption fails and it's like a 50-50 situation between vax-people and non-vax people in the ICUs.....public sentiment will get shaky.  

What I see over the next month or two....after the free-testing business ends (early October)?  Various people will have some normal cold or allergy situation develop, and co-workers/friends/family members freak out and demand they test (meaning they pay for the test or call the doctor to get a potential test out of the health insurance deal).  If you thought that the fall period of 2020 was a hectic chaos.....just wait for the 2021 period to fall into play.

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