Thursday, August 12, 2021

Covid Poll Idea Chatter

 I sat and watched N-TV early this AM (commercial news in Germany).  They ran a piece where they talked of this puzzled feeling with the virus experts.  So the question the current number of folks advertised as vaccinated....really a true number?

Some people suggest the real number is a couple of points above the accepted number (now at 55.6-percent on the second shot, 62.7-percent on first shot.....RKI 'blesses' the number as official).

Why the suggestion of numbers not correct?  They simply think that they missed some folks.  I might agree....some Germans flew to Serbia, Russia and Turkey to get early shots (which won't show up in the national data), but if you asked me how many....I'd suggest that the number doesn't go past 100, the amount of this incorrect nature might ONLY be half-a-point.

So what was suggested in this chatter....the virus experts want a poll done.  They want to ask folks if they are vaccinated.  How many to include in this poll?  Unknown.  Locations around Germany?  Unknown.  Rural versus urban?  Unknown.  Age-groups? Unknown.

Shocks that might come out of such a poll? might find that only 70-percent of people of ages 70 and above....are vaccinated.  You might find that Hamburg got the age group of 25 to 45....nearly 90-percent vaccinated.  You might find that the official numbers for the Pfalz simply doesn't agree with the polled numbers, and it might be 10-percent off....begging even more questions.

Will people even answer correctly?  You might have a quarter of the polled folks who are non-vax types.....answer 'yes' on the vaccination and claim vaccinated status.  That would really screw up the trust in the whole thing. 

In simple terms, you can't really trust poll numbers, if you ask me.  

Who would even pay for the poll?  Well....the government of course.

I'll make the prediction that shortly after the election....this poll is authorized, and the numbers published by early October.  What the results will anyone's guess.

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