Thursday, August 19, 2021

JFK-21 Party?

 So there's this new political party in Denmark: JFK-21.  No.....has nothing to do with President Kennedy.

I sat this morning and viewed their platform.

First, they want all home loans to be interest-free.  The National Bank of Denmark would be told to just issue this.  

Second, housing would be a right.  You'd go to the local district, and if you were homeless, they'd have to put you 'somewhere'.  It might not be much to brag about, but you'd get something.

Third, income tax would eventually go away.  How you'd tax?  You'd do it on consumption, resources used, and digital money use.  In simple terms, the size of government would likely be cut.  

Fourth, property tax for most regular homes would go away.  You'd tax only on Danish homes of 1-million DKK or more.

Fifth, decentralization would be pushed as much as possible.

Sixth, there would be a right of people have an independent assessment done, if a complaint of a citizen was lodged.  

Seventh, politicians would be held accountable for 'lies'.  If they promised something would happen, and it never occurs....they'd be removed from the political scene.  What the guy would do in life?  Unknown.  It'd probably force a lot of politicians to just never promise anything.  

Eighth, any politician who holds a special interest (proven, I assume in court)....has to ease themselves out of office.

Ninth, participation in war can only occur if Denmark is the one being invaded or attacked.  Beyond that....Danish military can't deploy beyond the border.

Tenth, some type of prison time for anyone who uses 'false flags' or propaganda to push some agenda for the public.

Eleventh, 'free-trade-agreements' are always fake, so the party would not respect or honor any such agreement.

Twelfth, enforced supervision of companies that can't run an ethical company....or you dissolve the company (meaning they'd probably have pick-up and leave Denmark).

Thirteenth, exit of the EU is mandated.

Fourteenth, only paper ballots to be used in all elections.  No computers or readers.  Manual society on voting.

Fifteen, 5G systems banned in Denmark.

Sixteen, use of pesticides to end.  Everything is to be state-mandated organic.

Seventeen, schools move to flex-time.  Kids would be finished at 14, unless they wanted more education.

Eighteen, lying on public media/TV situations would be reviewed.

Some of their positions actually make sense.  But it's a rather new party.

The thing about Danish elections....if you get 2-percent or more in voting, you get seats in the parliament (not the usual 5-percent like Germany has).  I could see these guys in the next election getting a seat or two.   

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