Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Model Chatter

 Focus went and did a chat with Netcheck, a company that does trend analysis (using GPS info and contact indexes).  

So here's the blunt side of this conversation....trend numbers are leading to models which suggest a higher level of Covid incidence situations.

The idea that people are hanging out....socializing, and going back to pre-Covid behavior?  I would go and suggest that trend is openly seen on the streets of Germany today.

The idea that some national change will occur and a new type of incidence 'gimmick' will be devised?  Some have suggested over the past month that if you just have plain Covid and don't end up at the hospital or dead....that ought to be included in the national model.  

It's basically a way to say vaccinations had an effect....even if you get Covid and end up on a 12-day sick-leave deal with home-quarantine.  

At this point....anything that prevents curfews or intense lock-downs....probably gets full-support of most Germans.  

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