Monday, August 16, 2021

Germany and the 'Rescue'

 Well....things shifted a bit on the 'rescue' in Kabul.

German soldiers are deployed in and a airlift will start with embassy staff, their families, and all Germans.  The Afghans who worked for the embassy, and the Bundeswehr?  It's a no-go presently and openly discussed in a highly critical way.

Blame game?  It's going toward the Foreign Minister (Maas), the Interior Minister (Seehofer) and the Defense Minister (AKK). Both the Greens and FDP are extremely critical of the government not approving the exit of the Afghans who'd worked for the Germans before.  

Blame on the Chancellor?  None.  That's the amusing part of this whole weekend discussion about saving the Afghan workers.  What you generally see is an effort to say 'no one is in charge....let's not make hasty decisions'.  

The problem of the election approaching?  I would go and suggest that both the CDU and SPD are seriously worried about bringing in 5k to 10k Afghans.  The AfD folks would easily make this into a campaign issue. 

All of this chatter turning Monday and Tuesday into massive discussion moments?  Probably.  I suspect if Schmidt or Kohl were around today as Chancellor....they would have made the decision on their own, and order the Afghans to be included.  That's not the type of decision-making that Merkel is famous for.

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