Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The 1.8 Million Germans

 I was looking over a Welt piece today, and an odd number came up.  1.8-million Germans live their retirement....outside of Germany.

It might be in Thailand, the Philippines, the US, Greece, Turkey, Spain, Italy or a dozen other countries.

They live mostly outside for two reasons.  Savings of money and weather.

Lets be honest....on cost of living....Germany is a 'pain'.  A German could take his pension income to a place like Thailand, and go twice as far on the value.

On weather....a lot of Germans like the four seasons, but are fairly critical on winter situations.  

The trend of more Germans living outside the country in retirement?  I would suggest it will continue to increase....as Germans find some 'paradise' where the pension goes further, or tropical living entices people to stay.

1 comment:

Claudio said...

The government here in Canada will claw back on your health insurance, benefits Guarantee Income Suplement, and will ask for 25% tax uf you choose to live abroad. Not sure what the limitations are in Germany but here the income can be reduced severely if you choose to live outside of Canada for more than 6 months a year.