Thursday, August 19, 2021

Surveillance Story

 So, were Bavarian soccer fans being secretly monitored/surveilled by the Bavarian authorities?

I sounds crazy to ask this question, but N-TV came up this AM, and told this one simple basic story.

What is Green Party members at the Bavarian Landtag (the state assembly) that around 1,644 Germans are on some state watch list...purely because of soccer.  They suggest around 500 of the folks are Bavarians....while the rest are probably non-Bavarian.  

Why the Greens asked this question, and demanded an answer from the authorities?  Unknown.  That might be a curious to ask.  

Telling a lot about the folks?  Well....they listed the games where these people attended, the seats that they sat in, and related some personal information (never explained in detail).

Now, I will admit that half the clubs in the nation....have some fan groups/gangs, which are violent in nature.  But to the extent that you get on some watch list by the authorities? 

This likely drawing public attention and demands for explanation?  I would imagine that a judge is going to be drawn into this, and ask some stupid questions.  But if you dig into this probably will find another file with Fridays-for-the-Future kids listed on it, and another file with anti-Vaxx folks listed.  

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