Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The Attack Story

 An attack took place in Hamburg...in front of a Jewish synagogue.  What the police say now (via a NDR public news piece)....is that a Jewish young guy (26) was seriously attacked (he's alive but in a bit of pain).  The attacker?  Quickly captured by the police and put in jail.  

So in the dozen hours after this attack.....everyone was hyped up in the news media and political establishment.   Speeches were made and hype was pumped-up. The intention?  Well, it had to be right-wing extremists or neo-Nazis.

Then, this odd turn of the story occurred.  Cops have the guy who committed the assault, and came to this conclusion....the guy is a nutcase (my word for how they described the guy).

The charges of attempted murder and serious bodily injury?  Oh, those will stick for a while until a judge gets the full report.  My general bet is that the judge commits the guy permanently to a facility, and the charges all get dropped (probably by late spring 2021).  

I admit....if you are in some camouflaged suit and wandering around the streets of some major German city....you might be a bit odd, but it doesn't mean you are a right-wing type or neo-Nazi.  You could just be a nut.  

The police visit to the guy's apartment and checking his computer equipment?  Well....no right-wing extremist notes from the sites he browses or data on the system.

The attacker's background?  All that is basically said is that he did do a year in the German Army....mostly as a medic.  Then he either left or got dismissed.

Paranoid Schizophrenic?  No one has said that yet, and it might take three or four months of review by some clinic for that treatment to start up.

So, the big thing here....chill out and relax....another suggested attack was really a nutcase who probably should have been identified a year or two ago, and placed in some enclosed facility.  It's best not to talk much about this, or suggest that 100k folks like this...walk the streets of Germany.  Rest assured, you still have better odds of getting assaulted or killed by a deranged German nutcase....than by a Neo-Nazi or right-wing extremist.  

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