Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Autopsies Story

 It's a five-line story which won't go anywhere much or get national mention across Germany, but down in Heidelberg....the local chief pathologist (Peter Schirmacher).....has hyped up this suggestion that there ought to be more autopsies done on dead vaccinated people.

Naturally, a lot of pushback has occurred since he put this idea out there for discussion.

His general thoughts?  He'd like to know if thrombosis or heart inflammation plays any role in the demise of the German guy/gal.

At some point, what I expect to occur is that close relatives start to demand autopsies, and some minor data starts to come out (probably into 2022).  

Why the stance against his suggestion?  It really comes down to the idea that you can't blackball vaccinations, period.  Maybe if you went back to the beginning of the polio vaccination business....you might be able to find numbers to say one out every 10,000 developed some issue to eventually trigger their death.  It's likely to always have been that statistical number out there and nothing was ever perfect in nature.

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