Friday, July 15, 2022

Bundeswehr Episode Case Ends

 A Frankfurt court finally wrapped up the case with Bundeswehr officer....Franco A.

He was convicted and will serve 5.5 years in prison.

What this case was mostly about?  I'd say two key things:

1.  During the big migration period of 2013-to-2016....this guy....while serving in the German Army as an officer....decided to test the system and pretend to be a refugee showing up.  Yes, faking the German migration system.  He puts on the right clothing, then resorts to only using French (which he knew)....pretending he had some status as a migrant from the Syrian region.  

Yes, the Germans were told by one of the translators....the whole story seemed rather fake, but they accepted the paperwork and made him a refugee with status in Germany.

As far as I know....he spent a week or two in this migrant camp deal, then left.  He, more or less, had proven the point that the system was screwed-up.

2.  Franco after this.....goes down to Austria (by plane) on Army training.  There....he acquires a gun.  The story is never explained in detail....but he decides at the airport....carrying the gun back into German via plane was stupid.  He leaves the gun in a garbage can....where he thinks he will return later and recover the gun (we are talking days and weeks later apparently).  The gun is found by clean-up crews and the area is monitored....later discovering him attempting recover the gun.  

This is the point where they investigate him and find the immigrant story. 

So legally....what did he do wrong?

No doubt....the gun thing is serious and easily convicted on that.  Leaving the gun in a open area?  That's a second serious bad judgement.  

On the matter of pretending to be a migrant?  He basically proved how incompetent the German system was in this period.  The fact that he took money/resources?  That's a violation of law.

I anticipate someone will make a movie out of this, and the government probably won't be that happy over fake migrant part of the story.  

On bad judgement?  If the guy had never gone to Austria and gotten into the gun side of this....none of this court business would have occurred.  He would have eventually written a book over this.  In fact....he could have quietly disappeared from society as a German, and simply lived out the rest of his life as a new migrant in Germany.....getting apprentice training and restarting his entire life.  

What was the gun business about?  Unknown, and that's making folks wonder what his intent was about.  

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