Thursday, July 7, 2022


 I noticed this morning....via Twitter....that some Rebel news reporters have arrived in Amsterdam, from cover the farm riots.

So about four hours after they announced the odd thing popped up.  RTL-Netherlands sent an email and wanted to 'tag' along and get a different prospective.   Rebel news (just the two guys) said 'no'.  

The explanation?  They've figured out from past events....that actual news groups rarely cover farmers, and big 'media' tends to screw up the stories.

The other side of this....which they didn't mention....a fair number of big news media groups try to build government relationships....meaning they'd gain some insight...passing the data to the police to help improve their 'chances'.

Are the Germans covering the demonstration?  If you watch nightly news (8 PM), via public TV....there's around sixty seconds of coverage.  I should note in the past day....some Italian farm protests are taking place, and I suspect German farm protests will start shortly.  


Daz said...

Ah the good old rebel news. Shriek loudly about the right of free speech, until someone says something they don't like. Then it's just gone too far! :D

Schnitzel_Republic said...

On the positive side...they at least interview regular people and give a different prospective. This news angle of interviewing only 'experts' or other journalists doesn't work.