Sunday, July 17, 2022

"Valley' of the Bags

 I've spoken to this topic somewhat over the past vacation-minded Germans take off.....with their bags laying there on the ground at the airport.  Because of limited bag-handling personnel, Covid affecting airport employees, and just plain chaos....there's a problem brewing.

I noticed Focus brought this up and dumped more facts on the table.

It's reached a stage where the bags just aren't moving that well from any German airport.  Adding to the chaos....the airports don't have ample storage for bags to just sit.  So nationally, a strategy has been agreed upon.....if the bag is in 'limbo' goes to the Munich Airport.  Apparently, they have some hangar or storage area, and have volunteered to accept the bags.  From there....bag by bag will be sorted, and airlines will have the responsibility to eventually get the bag to the passenger....somewhere.

If you were a passenger and the bag just didn't show up?  The EU standard is the airline owes you a max of 1,400 Euro.  You are supposed to fill out the form, hinting the value.  

I sat and  pondered over this.  Before Covid, I was fairly active on the travel business, and my wife got the idea to get a premium suitcase or two....the Rimowa type.   Enhanced steel and the type of case that could last through 500 trips easily.  The three cases bought?  Easily over 2,400 Euro. 

So if I were traveling and they lost the three cases?  Most of the 4,200 Euro payback wouldn't even start to pay contents....after you consider the loss of the suitcases themselves.

How frustrating are passengers getting?  On a scale of one to ten.....I'd say that these folks arriving at some beach resort in Thailand are at a ten....being told by day three....the case is lost...their whole trip is ruined because of the lack of clothing.  

Adding to all of these bag issues....Lufthansa on Friday ordered the cancellation of 2,000 flights over the next month (up to the end of August)....admitting they can't handle the passenger load or the bag stress.

If you had a trip booked, with the hotel done by simple are screwed for the summer vacation.

My humble much as everybody is hyped up to travel after two years of'd be wise to find some regional location (Czech, Denmark, or Poland), and just drive your car, or ride the train over.  If flying?  Load up the cheapest bag you can find with old clothing, and just hope they lose your 1,400 Euro for your 'loss'.  

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