Sunday, July 10, 2022

Warmth Story

 Lot of 'heat worries' now being discussed in Germany.  Focus had a piece today and discussed what would be 'heat-islands'.

Couple of towns in the Pfalz region (Neustadt, Frankenthal and Landau) plan on taking public building hallways, and putting up cots/bunks.....where you can come in the daytime and get warm.

The suggestion?  People probably will be cutting their home/apartment heat down to 16C to 18C (mid-60s F) and reach some point where they are chilled most of the time.

These 'islands' will be kept at a higher temp but I doubt it goes much past 18C.  

I pondered upon this.....most subways and trams in Germany will be unaffected, and probably still warmed to 22C.  I'm guessing an all-day ticket might be procured, and people would just ride around the community for 12 get extra warm during the day or evening.

Grumbling to come?  Oh, there's no doubt that warmth will become the number one topic in December/January.  


Bigus Macus said...

Reminds me of the 70's with Jimmy. Drop the thermostat to 55 and put on a sweater at home.

As president, Jimmy Carter advised Americans to set their thermostats to 55 degrees overnight during the winter months to “waste less energy,” offering his guidance in a televised address to the nation on February 2, 1977, in the midst of a national natural gas shortage.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

Some of this reminds of the Jimmy-era. A lot of Hartz-IV/welfare folks are in a dilemma, with cost anticipated to double/triple on heat by end of year. Other side of this...lot of industry uses natural gas. I have a favorite German wine-chiller that I drink...only comes in glass bottles, and the company has halted the production while they review options for another container.

My fitness studio has already will be marginally heated, and probably no warm water in the shower area...come late fall.

The worst of this story...even when spring 2023's not over. You just prepare for fall of 2023 and the next episode.