Sunday, July 10, 2022

That 3-Minute Shower Business

 Normally, it's not a show-forum I watch....but off BR (Bavarian public TV) today....they ran a forum show called 'The Sunday Regular's Table'.

So this conversation started up about the approaching natural gas crisis, and the topic of the government, or landlords forcing a shower schedule onto people popped up.

You can watch the full hour of the show here.  

So, this economist (Veronika Grimm) appeared.  When it came up about less heat and shorter showers....she voiced this view that you can't enforce something like this on showers, at least via a state mandate.  Maybe a landlord could make this part of the contract.  But it can't be state regulated.

I stopped the piece shortly after that, and pondered over this.

Personally, I don't know how you'd write a 3-line text limit some German to three minutes of a shower.  Nor can I imagine a punishment fitting the 'crime'.

The wife rents out two apartments and I've engaged upon her several times how this winter will work itself out, and one ends up with a 10-minute lecture how these politicians can't be stupid.  The idea of thinking 'drastic' reductions can occur?  No, forget about that. 

I had to work with some pretty tough Germans in the late 1970s at the base, and they would occasionally talk about the ten years after the war.  A once-a-week bath was normal, and a working guy simply came home Monday through Friday....had a pot of warm water poured into a sink....then sponge-washed himself.  If you brought up these stories today....some younger Germans would look at you in disbelief.  

So I'll sit back and wait.  For me personally....if you just said 60 seconds of a shower....I'd be satisfied and just accept the 'luck'.

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