Friday, July 8, 2022

School Heat To Be An Issue? started up yesterday, with an interview of the German Education Minister (Stark-Watzinger).  She kinda hinted in strong words that a Covid-type of shutdown might occur this fall/winter....because of the natural gas crisis.

In simple terms....various priorities would have to be made. We know today that virtually all recreational facilities will be affected.  The rest of the rest is still 'secretive' in nature

My humble belief is that schools would still run, but the temperatures would probably be kept at 18 C (64.4 F) least for the first three hours, and probably dip before mid-day to 16 C (61 F).  

Would kids complain? Probably so....but you'd just layer on more clothing for the school-day.

Shutting the schools down?  It's hard to suggest that....after all the negatives were openly discussed from 2020 and 2021.  

The funny thing? the Covid period (2020 and 2021)....schools that were open...had a mandatory policy of every open windows for 15 minutes to 'cleanse' the room of bad potential Covid they let heat out.  Letting the windows open in this natural gas crisis?  Nope.....they won't go and do that type of thing. 

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