Monday, July 25, 2022

Three German News Bits

 1. Uniper, the natural gas company in Germany, in serious trouble?  Stock price this AM?  Now at 7.50 to 8.00 Euro range per share....having fallen from a high point in May where it was selling at 25 Euro a share.  

There has to be some German or EU plan to save Uniper, and if that occurs....the stock would recover.  Failure to save them?  It creates a massive gov't take-over and things could be even worse.  

2.  This EU plan to 'share' the pain of the natural gas shortage (because of the war)?'s getting a lot of criticism from Portugal and Spain.  It might be enough to trigger a government crisis in both countries....if something doesn't happen to reverse things.

3.  There was a big wedding party held down in Gammertingen (Baden-Wurttemberg) over the weekend.  Massive party....fireworks in the middle of this, and something went wrong. 

From the general description....fireworks erupted into a escalated, and at least 400 local firemen were called to duty.  Damages?  Up into the millions.  

Insurance to cover this?  I would imagine the minute you bring up fireworks at a tire shop.....the insurance company will say 'no'.  

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