Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Tante Emma Laden

 If you lived around Germany prior to the 1980s....in most all villages and neighborhoods....you bought the bulk of your groceries from the local 'Tante Emma Laden'.

This was a small shop....usually not more than 50 square meters....run by older women. It was a 250-item grocery.  

Most had a cheese area, a deli cooler, a tobacco area, a soft-drink refrigerator, and general layout of what you typically needed for your kitchen.

Tooth-paste?  You might have had just one single brand offered up. Clothing detergent?  Same story.  If you were lucky, there two or three choices on coffee (basic, premium, and de-lux).

At some point in the late 1980s....you started to notice real grocery operations (300 square meters minimum, 2,000-item listing) opening up.  When they appeared....the local Tante Emma Laden was destined for closure.  

Today?  In the more rural towns of Germany (particularly around Bavaria)....you might still see a Tante Emma operation existing....where there is no grocery for 5 to 10 km.

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