Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Inflation Chatter

 I scanned a Focus article this morning....the hype?  A typical German family of four....are now paying 3,500 Euro more....than in previous years.  This comes from the Brandenburg Consumer Advice Center.

This is from across the entire spectrum....fuel, food, energy, beer, etc.

The really bad part of this article?  Well....more increases are expected by the fall of 2022.  That 3,500 euro?  Probably goes to 4,500 Euro by the end of the year.

My wife (German in nature) has started point this out at the grocery.  Most all of the weekly brochures now feature Bitburg beer on the cover.  If you compared the pricing (not that I buy Bitburg....I consider a 1-star beer)....it's probably 25-percent higher than 2 years ago.

Fuel?  We have a 3-month period of less fuel tax....with E-10 fuel now at 1.88 Euro a liter locally (on average).  When the tax 'vacation' ends?  Well....it'll go back to around 2.30 a liter.

Natural gas?  The wife agreed that heated water in the house is going to be limited to two periods each day....maybe 3 hours each.  Beyond that....you won't get any kitchen or bathwater that is heated.  

I would agree...for the two of us....it's easily 2,000 Euro added to our yearly budget.  It's not a woeful thing (yet), but I'm just wondering where the spring of 2023 lands us.

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