Saturday, July 30, 2022

The Hessen 'Hunt'

 It is a odd development unfolding within the state of Hessen.  Police are acting on warrants to raid.....police homes.  

I sat and viewed the story on N-TV this AM.

So the way this goes....there's a belief that some Hessen police have become right-wing extremists.  This goes along the path that they 'chat' on various extremist-bulletin boards. 

Just junior police?  No....there appears to be higher-ranking police among the homes searched, and computers seized.

The suggestion that the five might have released information that benefited the extremist folks?  That suggestion is out there.

Just a recent thing?  No.....this has been going on for around five years....with various internal investigations going on.

At the current pace?  One might suspect that things will reach a stage within five years where every policemen in the state is a suspect of something, and state-run truth commissions are a permanent part of the process.  

The problem here....a normal policeman with no extremist values....just looks at the amount of effort being made....questions the leadership and the investigation attention, then wonders why he should stay in the profession.  Then he goes home to chat on social media about his frustrations.....which is quietly monitored by some police unit.  

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