Saturday, July 30, 2022

Energy Chatter

 Last night,  for the 9:45 PM ARD news....the journalists went to a segment on the Bundestag building (in Berlin), and the effort to show they are trying to save energy. 

There is a master-control room in the structure....where some 'controller-guy' is monitoring/controlling energy use.

A lot of technology and planning has gone into this.  

They later went into detail about other government buildings in the city.....where the efforts are made to cut energy use.  

On the positive side?  They are trying to let you know that they (representatives and employees) are playing by the less-energy they force the same strategy upon the general public.  

On the negative side?  I would take a humble guess that only half the homes/apartments in the country are set to a 'use-less-power/energy' strategy.  

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