Wednesday, July 20, 2022

What Will Bürgergeld Look Like?

 German welfare (Hartz IV) is going away (it's been around for thirty years in the Hartz IV format).  What most most will say of the program prior to the Hartz IV.....people were getting a ridiculous amount of money and the system was going to eventually bankrupt the nation (at least they say and believe this).

So what is the new Burgergeld program looking like?  A draft came out today.  The deal would fall into place around early January of 2023.

The amount?  Well...the hint is 40 to 50 Euro more a month.  

Will this solve the welfare issues?  No.....but you get away from the term Hartz IV, and there's supposed to be a reactionary thing built into this for inflation....where the amount would adjust....month to month.  

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