Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Five German News Stories

 1.  Putin did make a statement yesterday....something to the effect that Gazprom would honor it's contract.  I think part of this story.....he needs the foreign capital badly, and the sanctions are in bad way for Moscow to handle.

However, he did hint maintenance issues can always cut the flow.  

If the gas continues at the same pace?  Well....there's only one single crisis in Germany....the cost factor.  You can continue to heat the house at 21 C, and things will work as advertised.  On cost, it'll be 100 to 200 percent more than it was in January 2020.  

2.  It was laid out yesterday....EU officials are getting a 8.5-percent pay raise....due to inflation.  

Yeah, it probably peeved a number of folks.  

3.  With all this heat going on....ADAC came out and warned folks of 'cracking' on autobahn pavements.....where asphalt pops up.  Fairly dangerous situation, and you probably should avoid speeds above 100 kph.

4.  There's chatter of 2,000 Turks about to arrive in help on the airport baggage business.  

Issues?  Well....they haven't even started the security ensure they are 'safe' and reliable.  The odds of this adding another four weeks to the arrival? Probably.

The split?  Four cities: Munich, Berlin, Dusseldorf and Frankfurt.  

Saying that this processing could be done in two weeks?  The airports suggested that was physically impossible.

My general bet?  There might be a hundred stamped 'ok' within ten days......packing their bags and heading off.  The rest?  Figure three to six weeks.  So all this crappy bag 'lost' business will continue through to the end of August....that's my prediction.

The contracts?  Most journalists suggest a 90-day contract being the norm.  I'll point this out....if you arrive on 1 September....that period is a pretty slow period for the next 90 days.  But I personally think the 90-day contract will get extended through to January of 2022, and it's possible that a quarter of these guys will be offered permanent contracts, and stay on for years.

5. For years and years....summer fires would come in Germany, and you'd notice....the government had no planes dedicated for the effort....just mostly helicopters.  

There was chatter yesterday that there's some emphasis to be made now....finding some capital to buy some planes for forest fires.  

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