Saturday, July 2, 2022

Covid Chatter

 "The absence of evidence of effectiveness is no evidence of the absence of effectiveness."

ARD reported on the German government review of the Covid rules for the past year....via a committee of health people....18 of them, and published this week.  The quote (above) is in the beginning of the report....basically admitting that data to say anything positive or crappy (my words, not theirs).

They did come to a couple of rational observations.

First, the longer a lock-down went on....the less that people put enthusiasm into it.  I won't argue that point.  I'd even say by the end of a 2nd month of lock-down...probably one-third of the country simply didn't feel obliged to put any effort into it.

Second, tracing infected people?  It was hit-and-miss, and not really showing much in results.

Third, the committee did say some 'kind' words over masks and how they prevent the spread.  Then they kinda admitted....if they don't fit well...then they are 'crap' (my words, not theirs).  They did say in the future....if masks are should only be for indoors. Yeah, they agreed...mandated outdoor use wasn't of any value.

I will note here....I've bought around six different mask 'brands' since April of 2020, and two of them were 'crap'.  I'd even go and call them 'fake-masks'....because they were ill-fitting.  

Fourth, on forcing people to the FFP-2 mask?  They readily data supports such a mandate.

In the end....the 18 individuals offered up general medical opinion, with limited data supporting it.  You would think....with two years of 'action'....some idiot at some university would have been collecting tons of data for studies.  Yet, you don't see much.

The pro-mandate folks in a bind?  I would say that come they reach for Covid rules....there's going to be some push-back unless the data supports regulations.  

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