Saturday, August 10, 2024

10 Aug 2024: Seven German News Stories

1.  Odd story out of Bavaria.  Cops were called....convicted guy (Somali)....who had been held on conviction of a mental hospital facility (Mainkofen Hospital in Deggendorf)....had just walked away.  Police spent a day looking for him...finding him 11:30 PM near a grocery near Plattling.

Personal interest?  I spent a weekend in Plattling last year.  Very quiet town.  

2.  Some evidence existing....showing a Berlin ISIS 'minister' influencing the two Austrian guys accused of the terror planning over the Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna. 

Added note, the teenagers (age 19) involved in terror planning....apparently weren't Austrians by birth....they were Iraqi.  It took about 2 days for the police to mention this fact.

Added note, a 3rd gentlemen has been detained as part of this investigation by the police in Vienna. 

3.  New German tax being discussed....over wood-pellet heating systems.  Politicians considering the systems dangerous for climate.

Pellet system has not really caught on that much (at least yet).

4.  This crossing of the border toward Kursk by the Ukrainians?  Just from the German news reports....I'd say whatever force the Russians had there....were not adequate or trained.  It would appear retreat was the first and only priority.

Russian reaction?  Well....most ordinary Russians seem how this was possible.

5.  There's talk of German banks asking for your new property energy certificate....when applying or a mortgage.  

Meaning?  Well...if it marginally 'passes'....the bank could say 'no mortgage'.  This could put sellers of older homes in a tough spot....unable to sell their property unless you got the home certificate 'improved' in some way.

6.  BMW board came out and had this radical suggestion for improving E-car sales.  They want the German states to add ONE extra 'lane' on autobahns....just for E-cars ONLY.  They say if you had this free might be more likely to buy an E-car.

BS.....I just can't see states inventing a new lane....maybe they'd just take one of the three lanes already existing, and forbid gas/diesel cars from operating in the 3rd lane.  Other than peeving consumers....bad idea.

7.  ESPRIT (the clothing sales shop, on the premium side) had 56 shops in Germany and 1300 employees.  Well....things in the past couple of years haven't gone well.....the store is dissolving.  

What I'll say....from all general 'labels' in Germany....this was the one shop where you paid premium costs....for premium clothing.  Their stuff lasted three to five years.  But it's same story for everyone since Covid....folks have cut back on spending money....even the well-off folks.  

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