Monday, August 19, 2024

19 Aug 2024: Three German News Stories

 1.  During summer months in Germany....public particular, ARD (Channel 1) will go out and do dozens of interviews with various political they are on vacation-status.

So yesterday....came the ARD interview of Green Party 'boss' Omid Nouripour.  A question popped up and he spoke of the current SPD-led gov't (with the FDP and Greens)...."transitional government" after Merkel (CDU). 

It was a pretty awkward moment, and the German gal doing the interview was caught in some moment of this was explained.

Nouripour goes on to suggest that the divided nature of the three parties making up the coalition....just isn't going to change.

Using this logic....I'd say whoever wins and forms a government in the fall of 2025....will also be a transitional government...fairly divided, and whoever follows in 2029....will  also be a transitional government....fairly divided.

2.  Some statistic came up on knife crimes in Germany.....suggesting that via the railway network and stations....there is an average of two knife crimes per day.  In the numbers, it's just obvious that metro-stations  are the 'magnet' for the bulk of numbers.

3.  The four escapees from the mental hospital in Bavaria (considered dangerous)....are still on the loose this AM.

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