Monday, August 5, 2024

5 August 2024: Five German News Stories

 1.  I noticed in early AM Focus reading...interview with Ralph Ghadban (he analyzes crimes, Germany).  He says there's a direct connection between migration numbers in Germany and growth of the crime-clans that exist.  Direct quote: “If it continues like this, we have no chance."  

2.  CDU Party wants to engage this week on the topic of defense of Israel....if Iran attacks.  Where this would go?  Germany, in this scenario....would provide fighters/pilots for the defense of Israel.  

I'll just say....this topic will be openly discussed, and voted upon by the upcoming weekend.  No comments from Greens or SPD  yet.

I would imagine the German Air Force are already evaluating the required mission and putting plans together.  

3.  Open criticism by Greens and SPD this past weekend over Lindner (FDP, Finance Minister).  He controls the money pot and potential new far, he's been extremely tough on his 'buddies'.

Burden on Lindner?  Well....from incoming tax revenue....the budget is still missing 5-billion Euro.  No one seems to know where the cash will come from, or they assume a massive cut is yet to be announced.

4.  Interesting story via WELT.....apparently more German urbanized areas have woken up, and realized that 'greening-up' (planting of trees, less concrete/asphalt) is a way to cool down areas.  Problem now?  They don't have funds set aside to really jump into this mentality.  

5. Way down in Baden-Wurttemberg....back in the town of Wangen....there was an attack on a 4-year old girl in a German grocery store.

Kid was seriously wounded but survived.  Culprit?  Well....35-year-old Syrian guy.

Guy was immediately arrested and held.  Was sent off for a mental eval.  Eval has concluded.  Originally had a charge of attempted murder.  Charge has been dismissed....judge has handed down an order....for the remainder of his life, the Syrian is to be held in a psychiatric hospital.  

Odds that the guy was mentally unstable when he arrived on day one? one says much, but one might conclude that.  There is no mental exam on people applying for visas (I know the process and no one ever questioned my mental stability).  

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