Friday, August 2, 2024

Just A Weird Weather Year

 If I start back in late October 2023.....there's this unusual blitz of heavy snow (very unseasonal) to hit in November the central region (around Wiesbaden, Germany)....with a fair amount of cool air.  Mid-January of 2024?  For the next sixty-odd days....mild winter temperatures and marginally use of heat. 

Rainfall from April to early August?  In my region....probably 150-percent of what you'd consider 'normal'.  

Hot temperatures?  Well...I've had to live in Panama and to be honest, I don't consider 32 C (90 F) to be that seriously hot.  In my village  (on a hillside)....we've hit 31 C three days so far in 2024.  That's it.

The past seventy-odd days?  Mostly between 24 and 27 C....a really mild temperature setting.  

My lawn would typically be mostly dry and subject to drought by this's still green and I mow almost every ten days.

It's just weird.

That portable AC  unit I have?  It's still in the basement.  

Blame, if that is the word to use?  I follow the weather business almost daily now, and it's just odd....normal front would come from the south (Med), and that's just not occurring....with western fronts from the Atlantic carrying the bulk of weather emphasis at this point. 

Beer gardens and beer consumption suffering?'s  brought up almost daily now that weather has deterred Germans from the traditional consumption of beer. 

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