Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Prediction Chatter

 A couple times a year, I come and bring the crystal ball out and make for mid-2024....three:

1.  After the 3 German state elections end here in 2024....I'll predict that the SPD and CDU parties gather and discuss the idea of allowing any party in a state or fed election...having 3-percent (the current rule of 5-percent is in place) of the votes....would get representation 'seats'.

Parties affected, they were to change the rules?  VOLT and the Free-Party.  I believe both might do well in the 2025 federal election.

Oddly, both will take votes from bigger parties.

2.  I'll predict that by early spring 2025....the Labour Party in the UK will run up the idea of re-applying to be part of the EU...WITHOUT a national vote.

Some countries within the EU will shake their heads....this is just asking for more drama.

The shocking side of this?  Several members of the Tory Party will be open to the idea.  

3.  A major push within highly urbanized German cities will result in massive 'frisk-and-search' knife situations....with over 1,000 'gentlemen' ending up in some type of jail-situation.  The Green Party will say it's unfair that men were the bulk of who were searched/frisked, and that women numbers need to be 50-percent.  

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