Sunday, August 11, 2024

My Idea

 After all the stuff of the past two weeks....I came to this idea.  Why not take the old Covid-App that the German gov't tossed to the public....where it tracked you and if you were near some Covid-infected person during the day (within 2 meters)'d alert you and just say something to the effect that maybe you ought to self-test for Covid shortly.

So here's how I want to use the basic App.

There's apparently a list of perceived talking subjects within various countries of Europe....that politicians and the police's best you not comment in public forums or social media.  People will argue over this, but I'd take a guess that there's a minimum of 1,000 talking points that the authorities want to be forbidden.  It differs from country to country.

So I want a there's two listings. First listing....forbidden talking points.  Second list....individuals will be able to list what they want to talk about, or what they hate talking about.

You'd be in the subway of Frankfurt, and look at your App.....with it telling you that the gal next to is interested in Elvis (you are as well) you'd just up a public chat with the stranger...on Elvis.

You'd be in some balcony situation...wanting to do a 'dump' on some hot topic, and look up the topic on the App....with the gov't telling you this subject (refugees for example) is not a social media approved topic.  So you can't say anything in social media about the subject.  However, you discover there's nothing wrong about talking over crime in your long as you don't mention the ethnic situation of the criminals.

Paying for the App?' part of the media situation, so you simply add 3 Euro per person....onto the TV/Media tax....forcing everyone to have the App on their smart-phone.

The neat thing about this'd train people how to discuss things, or not discuss things.  

My original thought of the way to introduce this?  Well...I was going to hire a former Stasi-agent from DDR (old East Germany) to be the spokesperson, and just casually have pop-tunes in the background....speaking out on how everyone could do their part to lessen tension and improve chatting.

How many chat topics on the personal level?  Oh I could see more than 90,000.  We could have groups talking about beer, cannabis, old episodes of Columbo, silly cat videos, vacation tips, and maybe even Bible verses.  

The bad-boys who'd violate App 'rules'?  I'd send them off to some thought-control class for two weeks....where you get 12 hours a day of lectures how to control your chatting.

I even had a name for the App....'4891'....yeah, the reverse of '1984'.  

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