Wednesday, August 14, 2024

14 August 2024: Nine German News Stories

 1.  I spent yesterday up in a Ramses II museum display (would recommend it, but it's 'cheap').  Temp for the day?  36.5 C (98 F).  Yeah....hottest day of the year so far.  Weather guy says that's IT.....trend downward over the next week, then 24/25 C for remainder of August.  I'll just say mildest summer for me in Germany ever.  Maybe for the whole month of June....just three days of 30 C (or more) in my little valley.

Location if you were interested?  ODYSSEUM, Corintostraße 1.  And yes, there is parking under the building

2.  German at a outdoor pool in Bremen, took a dive on a 10-meter board.  Dead....hit the water horizontal.  Maybe he was trying to impress someone.

3.  Interior Minister had a talk yesterday....says she wants the entry point checks to continue for the rest of 2024.  

4.  36-year old German gal found dead on the street in Gelsenkirchen, stabbed.  Cops witnesses.

5.  Halle, parking garage.....some gal from into the spiral drive and ends up going off the rail...plunges three or four floors down.  This is one of those phobia things that some people have in Germany....trying to drive in a spiral in a parking garage.

6. Some of the things highlighted in the Saxony state election coming up:

- Lignite mining to continue in Saxony after 2038?

- Position on continuing supply of weapons to Ukraine?

- Should more hospitals in the state be publicly owned?

- ID checks at the border to continue?

- Should Saxony universities continue in relationships with companies?

- Should more emphasis occur  with wind-power generators?

- Should the state pursue gender ID?

- Should the state mandate anti-racism courses or the state police?

- Public transportation being free for all residents of the state?

- Should the state mandate a female-quota on management?

- Should the state be more aggressive on deporting people....once they've failed the request?

-- Footnote, as much as you think Germany functions as a's really sixteen states with a fair amount of say in matters.

7.  Storms last night?  Big time....across Pfalz, Baden-Wurttemberg, and Hessen. 

8.  Ukraine now appears to control 1,000 square kilometers of Russian 'sacred soil'.  Kinda shocking.

Some suggestion (German press) that the Russian military has not laid out the whole collapse there, and Putin might only be getting information that he would feel good about.

9.  CDU voters asked in a poll....would you approve of a partnership with the AfD (far-right)?  Well....45-percent said for a coalition deal....yes.  I suspect a lot of this comes from eastern Germany.

Odds at fed level occurring?  ZERO.  

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