Thursday, August 15, 2024

Germany And The Monkey-Pox Chatter?

 If you watch public TV news....the Monkey-Pox chatter has started up (not at a number one news item, but seems to be at the same stage of the first week of Covid-chatter back in 2020).

WHO chatter?  Simply a 4-star need to worry.

What you really get from this 'pox'?  Cough/sore throat, fever, aches, exhaustion, chills.  

From exposure to active status?  Usually 1 to 3 weeks later.

People dying from Monkey-Pox?  You go into a 'bump' period....rash situation....severe itch deal....scabbed-up, then recovery.  If you get the pox on your face a good might be a personal woes situation....where you really don't want to travel in public.

What I'll suggest here...if anything of a mandate probably see a glove-mandate of some type, and touching surfaces (like on a bus/train, opening a door, or operating equipment) is of concern.  I fail to see how a mask would do any good. Use of alcohol-rub?  Yeah, if you are like me.....I've still got three containers on the shelf left from the Covid-era.

Germans not likely to take mandates well?  Oh, I'd say somewhere between 30 and 50 percent of Germans won't be accepting of any serious mandates.  You might be able to mandate everyone wear plastic gloves when in stores but beyond's not going to be much that Germans will take extra measures.

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